Winterberry Farm Primitives

This blog is now devoted to gardening with native plants with a focus on those species native to the east coast of the United States. With an MS in Agricultural Science from the University of Delaware and my love of native plants, I hope to help folks see the beauty and necessity of using native plants in your garden instead of exotic plants. Did you know that our native song birds and native insects are disappearing as our local environments continue to change?
For those who come to this page to see my 'Winterberry Farm Primitives' blog can now be found at where I will post new additions to my online antiques shop at and discuss various subjects about primitive antiques.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Friends and Family

Hi everyone,
I am glad to be posting again after a long and sometimes scary summer, but first I must talk about a friend I just lost last night. I have been affiliated with the University of Delaware for many years, at first as an employee and then as a student in the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences. A few years ago a fellow came to work in the botanic gardens that surrounds the College of Ag. He was a retired landscaper and was one of the funniest and kindest people I have ever met. He loved being outside working in the gardens and always made you laugh, even when you didn't feel like laughing. He passed away last night while being treated for an illness and has left those of us who knew him in shock. I will miss you, Howard, with your funny jokes and happy smile. I was not as close to him as others at the greenhouse and I know they are mourning the loss of this kind and gentle man today. I truly feel he is in a better place, free from sickness. Howard, I wish you weed-free and beautiful gardens, my friend. God speed..

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