Hi everyone!
Well, the last of the 1280 rhizomes necessary for my last big experiment to continue arrived yesterday and I am in the process of getting them ready to go into the troughs! The first set of 640 is already in place and already they are performing above expectations! This should mean a great result that will again blow away my initial hypothesis of the ability of this wonderful medicinal plant to survive and thrive in a hydroponic system! The last batch rhizomes should be in position by Monday and I can get 'back to normal' and start blogging again on a regular basis!
All of my rhizomes came from a wonderful person in West Virginia and were dug from his private land. He has collected over 90% of the rhizomes from an area on his property where a new logging road is being dug so he has rescued the rhizomes from destruction. The picture at the top of this post is of one set of 100 rhizomes as they came 'packaged' to me. He did a fantastic job finding the size and age of rhizomes that I needed for this experiment. Thank you, Russ!
As I get this experiment to the point where I am only collecting data, I can continue to blog about the wonderful native plants that we have growing around us here in the United States that not only look and smell good but also provide food and shelter to our native fauna. For the next set of blogs, I want to leave the woody 'domain' and concentrate on the herbaceous plants that are native to the US and are also beautiful and easy to grow!
Starting next week: Polemonium reptans (Jacob's Ladder) and Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine Poppy)!
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