Winterberry Farm Primitives

This blog is now devoted to gardening with native plants with a focus on those species native to the east coast of the United States. With an MS in Agricultural Science from the University of Delaware and my love of native plants, I hope to help folks see the beauty and necessity of using native plants in your garden instead of exotic plants. Did you know that our native song birds and native insects are disappearing as our local environments continue to change?
For those who come to this page to see my 'Winterberry Farm Primitives' blog can now be found at where I will post new additions to my online antiques shop at and discuss various subjects about primitive antiques.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is Spring really just around the corner?

Sitting here in my workroom and looking out the window at the three more inches of snow that we got last night (on top of the foot of snow that we got last week), I am wondering if I will ever see the snow leave Delaware and spring appear. One thing I do know is that this spring should be fabulous! With the continuous cold weather and the ground staying frozen this winter, I expect that the herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees will be glorious! We added a tobacco lath fence to our front gardens about 18 months ago and this spring, I plan to add some very nice annual vines to that fence. I also wanted to spend a year in pictures showing the changes in that garden and that year starts today with these pictures. Here we are on February 17, 2014 and you can see the snow in the gardens. I will be posting pictures as the snow melts and the plants begin to appear so watch this blog! I will also be posting my possible choices for annual vines to add to the fence and I will be asking for some opinions on which ones to use...Keep thinking spring and it will get here! I can't wait to see all of the changes that will start happening in my front garden in just the next few weeks!!!!


  1. Can't wait to see how the scene changes with the seasons! What vines are you thinking about? Do you remember when we had to create a landscape plan so many years ago...we both did your backyard at the townhouse!

    1. Oh my gosh Lynne! You are bringing back some interesting memories and didn't we just 'love' our professor! hahaha! I will be posting some pics and names of vines for the fence in a week or so!
